Good design matters

Amanda Design : Freelance designer
Who is Amanda Design freelance designer, and what are their credentials?
Your companies’ brand/website/literature is the shop window to any prospective clients, peers, and employees. It defines the company, sets the tone, and tells people what your company stands for within 8 seconds of viewing the logo, website or literature.
Creative design sectors include web design, PowerPoint design, and e-mail templates, as well as design for print including logo design. With a background in design but also working with code, to develop designs into working websites and email marketing campaigns.
My background is design but I also work with code, CSS, javascript, php and html to develop designs into working websites and email marketing campaigns.
Since establishing the company 14 years ago clients have included The Institution of Civil Engineering, NEC, Trinity Mirror, and Telefónica/O2. As well as work on campaigns for companies including Hoover, Acer and Néstle.
After working within design and marketing agencies, including Saatchi and Saatchi, work included Tesco projects such as promotional campaigns for their Organic range and Computers for Schools. As well as Pepsi and Walker’s campaigns to increase sales. With previous client experience to learn and draw on, the benefits of this to new clients is clear.
Why use Amanda Design, a freelance designer, and not an agency?
This provides clients with creative and professional designs for competitive rates. Amanda Design is a professional freelance designer who can transform your company’s brand image, presentation, literature, and website. Using my client experience for larger companies I can work with you to create new design material to help your company thrive.
Your project will be handled by an experienced designer with a proven track record. Be it web or logo design, PowerPoint presentations, brochure/tender documents, 100% effort and dedication are applied to all client’s projects.
You will experience direct and personal interaction with the design process. Communicating with clients directly on a personal level enables the objectives of the project to be achieved.
Development companies
If you work within a web development company specialising in programming or developing applications you will have programmers but often can’t find designers who fully understand the web design process. As I’m a designer who constructs sites myself I can offer a unique original design for your clients by giving you Photoshop files that can be translated into web pages without the hassle of being given designs that don’t work on the web.
Design is all about answering the brief and targeting the market. It also has to be within budget and stress free. The aim to always produce a ‘portfolio’ piece for the client love. Perhaps as part of a design agency you are looking a designer who wants to create within those rationals.
Are you part of a design agency and need extra support due to a heavy workload or need a specialist service such as web design or PowerPoint design. I can offer a freelance service to provide professional support.
Established Companies and start ups
Businesses new or old need fresh new ideas in an ever changing world. As a designer with several years experience in corporate image and marketing, I am able to offer design solutions for your company that target key customers and also suits the market. From corporate identity through to marketing campaigns such as mail shots and advertising.
Web design for start-up companies is a necessity even for those not e-commerce based. Having a web presence even if only a contact page that can be shown if people click an online directory. Web sites should be part of the complete start up package, it should also be put together with some work on search engine optimisation. Marketing the site name otherwise the site won’t work for you as an effective trading tool.